CAIR-Ohio Hosts 4th Annual Muslim Advocacy Day at Statehouse

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(COLUMBUS, OHIO, 9/29/22) On Tuesday, September 27, more than 60 Muslims from across Ohio participated in over 30 meetings with legislative offices during CAIR-Ohio’s 4th Annual Muslim Advocacy Day event focusing on bills related to religious accommodation, healthcare access, and freedom of speech in schools. 

SEE: CAIR Ohio holds 4th annual Statehouse advocacy event, calls on legislators for change 

CAIR-Ohio Acting Executive Director Amina Barhumi provided welcoming remarks and facilitated advocacy training for participants, which included an interactive activity where participants reflected on how the policy issues being discussed impacted them and the Muslim community.  

After the training session, local community leader and activist Imam Horsed Noah delivered a speech focusing on the responsibility of Muslims to be civically engaged and speak out against injustices. 

Attendees then ate lunch and split into groups to meet with different legislative offices from all over the state to advocate on the following bills: 

  • Support: HB 353 – “Testing Your Faith Act” 
  • Oppose: HB 322/327/616 – Regards prohibiting teaching divisive concepts, race, current events 
  • Oppose: HB 598/SB 123 – “Enact Human Life Protection Act” 

“It is important that our community is aware of legislation making its way through the Statehouse, especially those that are harmful to the Muslim community. Our objective today was to inspire Muslims of all ages to feel confident in sharing their perspectives and voices with their lawmakers and be active participants in our democracy,” said CAIR-Ohio Outreach Coordinator Victoria Hickcox.  

CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding. The CAIR-Ohio Affiliate has three offices– Cincinnati, Columbus, and Cleveland.