CAIR-Ohio Hosts Islam 101 Session for Columbus Students  

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(COLUMBUS, OH, 03/23/23)– On Thursday, March 16, CAIR-Ohio collaborated with the Noor Islamic Cultural Center (NICC) in hosting an Islam 101 information session for the Columbus School for Girls.  

CAIR-Ohio Community Relations Assistant Shireen Shaaban organized and lead an informative discussion on Islam with students from the Columbus School for Girls as part of a religious diversity learning objective. Throughout the presentation, Shaaban discussed the fundamentals of Islam and what it means to be a Muslim, which included the five pillars of Islam, the significance of Ramadan, the experiences that come with wearing Hijab in America, and much more. Towards the end of the session, students had the opportunity to ask questions, which in turn helped them understand and resonate more with the material they had learned.  

Additionally, Shaaban and Directors at NICC walked the students and teachers through a tour of the masjid, highlighting what each space is utilized for and the meaning behind the architecture of the building. 

Interested in having CAIR-Ohio present to your school? Contact CAIR-Ohio Outreach Director Victoria Hickcox: | 513.906.5728