(COLUMBUS, OH – 6/23/23) – On Tuesday, CAIR-Ohio attended a sponsor hearing for House Bill 171, which would require the Ohio Board of Education to update the Social Studies curriculum standards to include instruction on the migration, experiences, and contributions of a range of communities.
Representative Mary Lightbody challenged Members of the Ohio House Primary and Secondary Education Committee to consider the impact of the bill on Ohio classrooms and multicultural students. The Representative presented a strong testimony with a primary focus on the need to equip Ohio educators with the knowledge and tools to offer culturally centered and dignifying learning experiences.
HB 171 will benefit both educators and students of all backgrounds by requiring the inclusion of diverse histories, stories, and societal contributions of various groups into the curriculum. Often children of underrepresented groups feel left out in their schools. To provide all students with a high-quality education, this bill aims to integrate lessons on the history of migration, lived experiences, and contributions of a range of communities in the social studies model curriculum.
CAIR-Ohio is a member of the Educating for Ohio’s Future campaign, which has been leading the efforts to introduce this important legislation. More information on the campaign can be found at www.educatingforohiosfuture.org
To learn more about CAIR-Ohio’s “Educator Resource” visit www.cair-ohio.com/educator-resource.