CAIR-Ohio Joins Freedom to Vote Act Rally

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(COLUMBUS, OHIO 11/18/2021) — On Wednesday, Nov. 10, the Ohio Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Ohio) joined Common Cause Ohio at Senator Portman’s office in Columbus, Ohio to urge him to support the Freedom to Vote Act.  

The Freedom to Vote Act will help remove several hurdles that communities of color and other minority communities face when voting. This bill seeks to eliminate challenges with voting by:  

  • Expanding voter registration (e.g., automatic and same-day registration)  
  • Voting access (e.g., vote-by-mail and early voting)  

  • Limiting the removal of voters from voter rolls   
  • Restoring voting rights to those with past criminal convictions  
  • Establishing Election Day as a federal holiday.   

Additionally, the bill addresses election integrity and security, redistricting, and campaign finance. The Freedom to Vote Act will ensure that all citizens will be better represented in our government. 

Amina Barhumi, CAIR-Ohio’s Outreach Director, was in attendance and addressed the attendees of the rally. 

“All attempts to build barriers to the ballot box must be removed. The Freedom to Vote Act helps remove these limitations. It ensures that the bedrock of our democracy, our right to vote, is protected. In our safeguarding the voting rights of especially the marginalized, we defend the rights of all voters in this nation,” said Barhumi. 

Read the bill as introduced here. 

Click here to take action and call on your senators to vote YES on the Freedom to Vote Act. 

For questions, contact CAIR-Ohio Outreach Director Amina Barhumi: | 614.763.6557