CAIR-Ohio Joins Press Conference Celebrating Introduction of Multiracial Curriculum Bill  

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(COLUMBUS, OH – 5/18/23) – On Tuesday, May 16, CAIR-Ohio and various organizations across Ohio joined OPAWL for a press conference about the “Educating for Ohio’s Future” Campaign, which promotes a newly introduced bill that focuses on implementing multicultural perspectives into Ohio’s public school curriculum. 

House Bill (HB) 171 will benefit Ohio children of all backgrounds and will include histories, stories, and societal contributions of various groups into the curriculum. Often children of underrepresented groups feel left out and unheard in their schools, and this bill seeks to include their perspectives in the classroom and to give all students a worthwhile education for brighter futures. 

This bill will not only include the Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) community, but also African American communities, Arab, African, and North African immigrant, refugee and asylee communities, Appalachian communities, Jewish communities, Latin American communities, and Native American communities. 

CAIR-Ohio, Columbus & Cincinnati Executive Director Amina Barhumi talked about the importance of sharing the stories of different groups, and how they make children more open, allowing for connection with their peers. 

“Incorporating cultural discussions and resources into the curriculum helps foster curiosity, support, and appreciation for the experiences of classmates from different backgrounds,” said Barhumi.  

“Students are more engaged when they see their communities reflected in the classroom. We want students to be excited about a topic in class that they relate to. We want to see their eyes light up when they find a book that they are interested in. It is important that our students can connect to the information that they are learning in school.” 

CAIR-Ohio is committed to ensuring that all students have access to an education that recognizes and celebrates the rich backgrounds of Ohioans.  

“Educating for Ohio’s Future” will foster an environment of acceptance, respect, and mutual appreciation for classmates and cultures. This not only creates a sense of belonging but also helps students develop empathy and the ability to collaborate with each other. By equipping our students with the tools, understanding, and knowledge needed to navigate the global economy, we are preparing them for Ohio’s future workforce. 

Watch the full press conference here

Learn more about the Educating for Ohio’s Future campaign here