CAIR-Ohio Testifies in Support of SB 181 to Protect the Right to Wear Hijab in School Sports

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(COLUMBUS, OHIO, 05/27/2021) – On Tuesday, May 25, the Ohio chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Ohio) testified in support of Senate Bill 181, a bill that would ensure schools and interscholastic athletic programs are not allowed to prohibit religious apparel.

This directly addresses the issue that many Muslim students who wear hijab experience while participating in school sports. Ohio student athlete, Nour Abukaram, championed the bill after her own experience of being disqualified from her track meet because of her hijab. Mariam Abaza, an Ohio student athlete, also provided testimony in support of the bill, detailing her experience.

Sports and extra-curricular activities are an integral part of a student’s social and educational development. It is a pathway to make friends, develop a sense of identity, increase their college eligibility, and simply have fun. Excessively restrictive uniforms and dress codes, which exclude certain forms of religious expression, means that students may be deterred or even prohibited from participating in school sports and extra-curricular activities. Therefore, they are less likely to reap the benefits of such programs.”

CAIR-Ohio also issued an Action Alert urging all Ohioans to call on their Senators to support this bill. SEE: CAIR-Ohio Action Alert

CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to protect civil rights, enhance understanding of Islam, promote justice, and empower American Muslims.

See the testimony here.