CAIR-Ohio Hosts Kids Connect Event to Educate on Crisis in Gaza

(COLUMBUS, OH – 7/19/2024) — Last Saturday, the Ohio Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Ohio) hosted a special Kids Connect Event at our Columbus office, dedicated to educating young minds about the ongoing situation in Gaza. The event provided the opportunity for children to connect with their community while enjoying a pancake brunch. 

During the event, the kids participated in a variety of meaningful activities. They watched an engaging documentary designed for children, which provided an insightful look into the history of Palestine and the challenges of occupation. This educational segment was designed to be both informative and age-appropriate, ensuring the kids could understand and empathize with the experiences of children in Gaza.  

CAIR-Ohio Joins Youth Islamophobia Event in Dayton

(DAYTON, OH – 7/3/2024) — The Ohio Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Ohio) joined a youth event to address Islamophobia held at Dayton Mercy Society. The event, attended by youth, parents, and community leaders, featured insightful discussions, personal narratives, and practical workshops aimed at equipping attendees with the knowledge and tools to counteract Islamophobia. 

CAIR-Ohio Community Relations Coordinator Sarah Mazouz presented information on the rise of incidents in Ohio, shedding light on the origins and impacts of Islamophobia, and ways to address it. Attendees also participated in discussions and interactive workshops, gaining valuable strategies for education, community engagement, and advocacy. 

CAIR-Ohio also provided resources for parents, students, and teachers, including guides on reporting incidents, creating supportive environments, and fostering inclusivity in schools. 

If you have experienced an incident, you can report it here.

To access resources CAIR-Ohio provides, click below. 

Guides & Toolkits 

Accommodation Resources  

Palestine Self-Advocacy 

Educator Resource 

ACTION ALERT: Oppose the Harmful “CAMPUS Act”

We need your immediate attention and action regarding House Bill 606 (H.B. 606), also known as the Campus Accountability and Modernization to Protect University Students (CAMPUS) Act. While this bill claims to address bias, harassment, and intimidation at institutions of higher education, it poses significant risks and harms to various communities, including Muslim and Jewish students. Here’s why we must oppose this bill:

Inadequate Protection Against Islamophobia:

    • The bill does not place equal emphasis on addressing Islamophobia, despite the rampant anti-Muslim sentiment on campuses and the existing lack of adequate protections for Muslim students. This unequal focus leaves Muslim students vulnerable to continued harassment and discrimination.

    • The bill’s provisions for partnerships between university police and law enforcement could lead to increased surveillance and profiling of Muslim students, who are already disproportionately targeted under counterterrorism measures. This risks further marginalizing and criminalizing Muslim students.

Harmful Impact on Jewish Students:

    • The bill could inadvertently harm Jewish students by tokenizing them and assuming a monolithic viewpoint on contentious issues like Israel. Jewish students who criticize Israeli policies may be unfairly targeted for antisemitism, stifling free speech and academic discourse.

    • The vagueness of the bill’s language allows for the conflation of antisemitism with anti-Zionism, using Jewish oppression to silence legitimate criticisms of Israel. This not only creates a repressive environment for human rights advocacy but also diminishes the real threats to Jewish safety from white supremacist groups.

Unclear Allocation of Funds:

    • The bill allocates $4 million in funds without clear guidelines, risking the potential use of these funds for violent crackdowns on campus protests. This misuse of resources under the guise of enhancing safety has already made campuses more dangerous, as evidenced by recent arrests of protesters by campus police.

TAKE ACTION: Fill out this form to email your legislators TODAY and urge them to oppose HB 606, and CALL the Finance Committee Chair as they will potentially vote on it Tuesday, June 25!


Finance Committee Chair — Jay Edwards: 614-466-2158 / 

Bill sponsor #1 — Rep Justin Pizzulli (R): 614-466-2124 / 

Bill sponsor #2 — Rep Dontavius Jarrells (D): 614-466-5343 /

CAIR-Ohio Welcomes Khalid Turaani as New Executive Director of Columbus and Cincinnati Offices

(COLUMBUS, OH, June 7th, 2024) – The Ohio chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-OH) in Columbus, announced the appointment of Khalid Turaani as its new executive director, overseeing operations in Columbus and Cincinnati offices.

Turaani brings more than 15 years of executive experience in public affairs and advocacy in Washington, D.C., and Europe. His tenure includes impactful engagements with Congress and the European Parliament, along with a decade-long tenure as CEO in the private sector.

Beyond his professional roles, Khalid has been a community leader in the areas of voters’ rights and coalition-building around electoral politics and human rights. Born and raised in a refugee camp, his journey has been one of service, spanning humanitarian missions from addressing the Flint water crisis to aiding refugees in Gaza, Thailand, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon.

“We are thrilled to welcome Mr. Turaani into our community. His wealth of experience and proven leadership resonate deeply with CAIR’s mission,” said Nabeel Raazi, President of the Board of Directors of CAIR-OH. “In these challenging times, extraordinary effort and leadership are imperative. We are delighted that our rigorous search process has led us to Khalid Turaani, an esteemed American Muslim leader of national recognition.”

CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. CAIR-Ohio has three offices in Ohio – Cincinnati, Columbus, and Cleveland. Its mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, protect civil rights, promote justice, and empower American Muslims.


CONTACT: CAIR-Ohio, Columbus & Cincinnati Executive Director, Khalid Turaani, 401-6692

CAIR-Ohio Joins USCMO’s 9th Annual Muslim Advocacy Day to Advocate for Palestinian Rights

(COLUMBUS, OH – 5/14/2024) — The Ohio Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Ohio) participated in the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO) 9th Annual Muslim Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill. This three-day event, held from April 29 to May 1, brought together 700 American Muslim delegates from 25 states to engage with over 200 congressional offices in the U.S. House and Senate.

The theme of this year’s Muslim Hill Day, “Unifying Muslim Voices: Advocating for Justice, Equality, and Palestinian Rights,” resonated deeply with participants who traveled to Washington, D.C. to address critical issues affecting the Muslim American community and beyond.

During the advocacy event, CAIR-Ohio joined fellow Muslim delegates in urging Congress to take definitive action on several key issues:

  • Combating anti-Palestinian racism and Islamophobia on college campuses and supporting student’s free speech rights.
  • Advocating for an immediate and permanent ceasefire, and an end to all U.S. weapons transfers and aid to Israel, to prevent further escalation of violence and contribute to long-term peace and stability in the region.
  • Urging for the immediate release of humanitarian aid and assistance to support the reconstruction efforts in Gaza, addressing the urgent humanitarian needs of the Palestinian people affected by the conflict, and reinstating funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).

The event highlighted the importance of direct engagement between Muslim Americans and their elected representatives, fostering meaningful dialogues on issues that impact not only the Muslim community but also global peace and human rights.

ACTION ALERT: Support OSU Student First Amendment Rights

On April 25, 2024, a peaceful gathering at the Ohio State University (OSU) turned into a scene of unwarranted brutality. Students, faculty, alumni, and community members convened in solidarity with the Palestinian people, exercising their constitutional rights to free speech and assembly. However, their peaceful assembly was met with excessive force from law enforcement, resulting in numerous arrests and violations of civil liberties.

The incident on April 25th highlights a concerning trend of suppressing dissent and curtailing the fundamental rights of individuals to peacefully protest. We cannot stand idly by as those who seek to exercise their rights are met with violence and intimidation.

We urge you to take immediate action by filling out the form below to contact decision makers and call on them to rectify this injustice by:

1. Dropping all charges against individuals detained during the April 24th and 25th incidents at Ohio State University. These individuals were peacefully exercising their rights and should not face legal repercussions for doing so.

2. Ensuring that student organizers are allowed to peacefully assemble in public spaces at Ohio State University, without fear of retaliation or suppression from law enforcement or university authorities.

3. Join the Columbus City Council’s call for a ceasefire in Gaza, and advocating for an end to violence against the Palestinian people. It is imperative to work towards a just and peaceful resolution to the conflict, respecting the rights and dignity of all involved.

Click here to take action.

CAIR-Ohio Urges Decision Makers to Drop Charges Against Peaceful Protesters at OSU Campus

(COLUMBUS, OH – 5/14/2024) — The Ohio Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Ohio) today calls on decision makers to drop charges against peaceful protestors and protect our First Amendment rights to free speech, assembly, and religion. On April 25, 2024, students, faculty, alumni, and community members gathered in solidarity with the Palestinian people on the campus grounds. However, what began as a peaceful demonstration ended with the unnecessary use of violent force by law enforcement, resulting in numerous arrests and violations of civil liberties.

SEE: CAIR-Ohio Condemns OSU’s Violent Crackdown on Peaceful Student Protesters, Demands University Respect Students’ Right to Free Speech

CAIR-Ohio vehemently condemns the actions taken against the peaceful protesters at Ohio State University. No individual should face legal repercussions for exercising their constitutional right to assemble and express themselves. As an organization committed to defending civil liberties and promoting justice, CAIR-Ohio is calling on decision-makers to drop all charges against those detained during the incidents on April 24th and 25th, 2024.

In a statement, CAIR-Ohio Outreach Director Victoria Hickcox said:

“Just as students have played a crucial role in shaping social and political change throughout history, so too are they leading the charge for justice today. We must stand in solidarity with these brave individuals and ensure that their voices are not silenced, but amplified, as they continue to fight against injustices in Palestine using our tax dollars.

“The suppression of peaceful protest goes against the principles of democracy and freedom that this country boasts. We urge decision-makers to take immediate action to rectify this injustice and uphold the rights of all Ohioans.”

CAIR-Ohio also calls for a cessation of further action against peaceful assemblies at Ohio State University and in Columbus, emphasizing the importance of allowing individuals to express their views without fear of reprisal.

In addition, CAIR-Ohio echoes the Columbus City Council’s call for a ceasefire in Gaza, emphasizing the need for a peaceful resolution to the conflict and respect for the rights and dignity of all involved.

SEE: Open Letter to Support OSU Student First Amendment Rights

TAKE ACTION: Support OSU Student First Amendment Rights

CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. CAIR-Ohio has three offices in Ohio – Cincinnati, Columbus, and Cleveland. Its mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, protect civil rights, promote justice, and empower American Muslims.


CONTACT: CAIR-Ohio Outreach Director Victoria Hickcox,, 513-906-5728

CAIR-Ohio, Partners Host Solidarity Prayer Event to Reclaim Community Space After Law Enforcement Brutality

(COLUMBUS, OH – 5/10/2024) –  Last Friday, the Ohio Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Ohio), in collaboration with the Muslim Students Association (MSA) at OSU, Muslim American Society (MAS Columbus), Alpha Lambda Mu (ALM) at OSU, and local mosques, hosted a solidarity prayer event led by Dr. Yasir Qadhi aimed at reclaiming the sacred space on the Ohio State University (OSU) campus, that was marred by law enforcement brutality during recent peaceful protest to call on the University to divest from the genocide in Gaza.

In the aftermath of events that unfolded on the evening of April 25, where peaceful protesters and individuals engaged in prayer were subjected to unwarranted aggression by militarized police forces. The event served as a platform for healing, unity, and a reaffirmation of the First Amendment right to assemble, protest, and to practice one’s religion.

SEE: CAIR-Ohio Condemns OSU’s Violent Crackdown on Peaceful Student Protesters, Demands University Respect Students’ Right to Free Speech

“We stood firm in our resolve to reclaim the spaces where our community was subjected to unjust violence,” said CAIR-Ohio Outreach Director Victoria Hickcox. “The University and law enforcement must respect students, faculty, and the community’s right to protest and we call on them to take accountability for their involvement in this police violence against those exercising their rights.

“We demand that all charges for any individuals participating in these demonstrations be dropped and to allow students and community members to continue to gather in public spaces, without fear of harassment, intimidation, or violence.”

SEE: Open Letter to Support OSU Student First Amendment Rights

CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. CAIR-Ohio has three offices in Ohio – Cincinnati, Columbus, and Cleveland. Its mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, protect civil rights, promote justice, and empower American Muslims.


CONTACT: CAIR-Ohio Outreach Director Victoria Hickcox,, 513-906-5728

CAIR-Ohio Condemns OSU’s Violent Crackdown on Peaceful Student Protesters, Demands University Respect Students’ Right to Free Speech

(COLUMBUS, OH – 4/26/2024) – The Ohio chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR-Ohio) today condemned the Ohio State University’s violent crackdown and alleged use of excessive force on students during an on-campus protest and demanded the administration adhere to its values of protecting the free speech rights of its students.

At least 41 protesters were arrested and charged with “criminal trespassing”, a majority of which were university students.

In a statement, CAIR-Ohio Outreach Director Victoria Hickcox said:

“It is deeply concerning that OSU’s response to students demonstrating peacefully in solidarity with Palestine is forcible suppression of free speech and assembly. This mirrors a nationwide trend of colleges and universities attempting to censor pro-peace, anti-war, and pro-Palestine advocacy on campuses.

“It is alarming to receive reports of protesters having their hijabs ripped off and being arrested while in prayer, Muslim students are not just feeling unsafe on campus, but being actively criminalized. All students should feel safe while expressing their views and engaging in their right to assemble peacefully. We demand OSU immediately cease any further acts of repression against the protesters and take action to respect and protect the speech of its students.”


SEE: Why are college students protesting? Ohio State, Miami University join Gaza protests

On Thursday, April 25, students set up an encampment at OSU’s South Oval as part of a “Gaza Solidarity” organized by Students for Justice in Palestine chapters at OSU, University of Cincinnati, University of Toledo, Miami University, Palestine Liberation Movement, Justice Unity & Social Transformation (JUST), Palestinian Women’s Association at OSU, Moritz Law Students for Justice in Palestine, Jews for Justice in Palestine, and Rising Tide Columbus—made up of OSU students, staff, faculty, and alumni, to protest the university’s investments tied to Israeli apartheid, and OSU’s Department of Public Safety (DPS) and State Troopers were deployed to break up the tent encampment. Video showcases that officers were making arrests as a group of protestors were in prayer.

SEE: Video: Protesters arrested at Ohio State University

Earlier in the day, OSU’s Department of Public Safety arrested a faculty member who was not part of any actions, and two graduate students. Videos filmed by student protesters depict their conversations with DPS officers, who were unable to provide the exact reason for students being told to leave the premises, even after fully complying with the constant changing of the University’s policies in order to criminalize students.

SEE: Video shows officers arresting man at OSU encampment, two others also arrested

SEE: Inside the five-hour standoff between police and protestors on the South Oval

CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. CAIR-Ohio has three offices in Ohio – Cincinnati, Columbus, and Cleveland. Its mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, protect civil rights, promote justice, and empower American Muslims.


CONTACT: CAIR-Ohio Outreach Director Victoria Hickcox, vhickcox@cair.com513-906-5728

ACTION ALERT: Message Congress on Passing $17B in Military Aid for Israel’s Genocide

Join the Council on American-Islamic Relations in letting your member of Congress know how you feel about their vote last weekend on a bill that would send $17 billion in unconditional military aid to the Israeli government.

If your representative voted against the $17 billion for Israel’s genocide, it’s important to thank them. If you representative voted for the funding, it’s important to express your disapproval.

Use CAIR’s click-and-send action alert to send a message to your U.S. Representative.

Although we are extremely disappointed with representatives who voted to send additional funding to aid the Israeli government’s genocide in Gaza, a historically large number of representatives opposed the bill. This is a sign of slowly but surely changing perspectives in Congress. 

Regardless of how your member voted, it’s important to let them know how you feel about their decision. 

Click here to take action.