ACTION ALERT: Join us in fighting for safe learning spaces for Muslim students and all marginalized communities. Legislators could soon consider this bill that censors honest education, intimidates teachers, and labels concepts around diversity as “divisive.”
Muslim students already face various forms of discrimination and this bill will further limit the ability of Muslim students, and all students of color, to receive an education that is grounded in facts and respectful of their experiences.
Tell legislators – the experiences of different races, genders, cultures, ethnicities, and religions are not divisive. SAY NO to HB 327:
Healthcare Advocacy Training
Are you frustrated that legislators and others in power are disconnected from your work? Take action and create change with healthcare advocacy.
Poligon Education Fund is partnering with CAIR-Ohio’s Muslim Healthcare Professionals Advocacy Network (MPAN) to bring you the advocacy tools you need to engage with your elected officials and support policies that improve healthcare for all Americans. ?
Register at
For questions, contact CAIR-Ohio Outreach & Government Affairs Director Whitney Siddiqi: | 513-904-6788.
Action Alert: Protect Muslims Voting Rights!
Protect Our Democracy; Push the Senate to Support the Freedom to Vote Act
Our democracy is threatened when voting rights are under attack. The Ohio Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Ohio), Ohio’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, is urging Ohioans to stand up for voting rights.
The Freedom to Vote Act will help remove several hurdles that communities of color and other minority communities face when voting. This bill seeks to eliminate challenges with voting by:
- Expanding voter registration (e.g., automatic and same-day registration)
- Voting access (e.g., vote-by-mail and early voting)
- Limiting the removal of voters from voter rolls
- Restoring voting rights to those with past criminal convictions
- Establishing Election Day as a federal holiday.
Additionally, the bill addresses election integrity and security, redistricting, and campaign finance. The Freedom to Vote Act will ensure that all citizens will be better represented in our government.
Read the bill as introduced here.
Tell your senators to protect our democracy and vote YES on the Freedom to Vote Act.
Click here to take action.
People’s Redistricting Hearing + Rally
Redistricting Action Alert: With no progress made on congressional maps, it’s time to demand action.
Please join CAIR-Ohio and our coalition partners in making our voices heard at the Ohio Statehouse this Wednesday, October 20, 2021 from 2:30-3:30 for a People’s Hearing to demand:
- Public hearings with plenty of notice & virtual options.
- An official Commission-proposed map that we can respond to.
- A fair map that reflects our partisanship, keeps our communities together, and gives Ohio’s communities of color a real pathway to representation.
Click here for more information on Wednesday’s event.
Can’t make it on Wednesday? Virtual hearings will also be held for different state regions throughout next week. Click here for more information.
If you have any questions please contact CAIR-Ohio Policy Director Tala Dahbour at or (614) 401-2920.
CAIR-Ohio Denounces Ohio Redistricting Commission’s Proposed State Legislative Maps
Unconstitutional. Unacceptable. The Ohio Redistricting Commission’s proposed state legislative maps do not reflect Ohio voting preferences (55% republican, 45% democrat) and favor one political party, which goes against constitutional requirements. The maps crack apart communities of color, dividing our neighborhoods and pulling together parts of the state that don’t belong in the same districts.
With less than a week until the constitutional deadline, the commission must allow the public to comment on the maps, but what they consider depends on us! Public hearings are this coming Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. We need Ohio Muslims to show up and speak up. Even if you can’t make it in person, we’ll help you write and submit testimony.
Contact CAIR-Ohio Policy Director Tala Dahbour at or 614-401-2920.
Afghanistan Community Alert
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Ohio) stands in solidarity with the Afghan community and calls on the Biden administration to increase America’s capacity for refugee resettlement and protect those in pursuit of relocation. As the refugee crisis in Afghanistan continues to develop, it is imperative to take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of those affected. If you would like to take action to put pressure on Congress and the Biden administration to help the Afghan people, click here. Read More “Afghanistan Community Alert”
Afghanistan Action Alert
The people of Afghanistan need our help today. Over the past week, conditions in Afghanistan have deteriorated rapidly following the U.S. military withdrawal and Taliban’s takeover of the country.
CAIR-Ohio is urging all Americans to act now to protect those in urgent need. Click here to take action.
Your voice is needed – urge President Biden and Congress to evacuate Afghans, welcome them to the U.S., and deliver humanitarian assistance.
A list of sources for free legal immigration assistance can be accessed here.
If you have any questions, please contact Policy Director Tala Dahbour at, or by phone at (614) 401-2920.
To request free legal help, use our online form here or call 614-451-3232 | 513-281-8200
Join CAIR-Ohio’s Mobilization WhatsApp Group!
Join CAIR-Ohio’s rapid response redistricting mobilization group to receive real-time updates on the official redistricting process. We need to be ready to mobilize: attend public hearings, present testimony, and make our voices heard!
Redistricting directly impacts the voting power of the Muslim community. Help us ensure Ohio Muslims are not left out, split up or ignored.
Click here to learn more about redistricting in Ohio.
For questions, contact CAIR-Ohio Policy Director Tala Dahbour: | 614-401-2920.