New Voter ID Requirements in Ohio

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Governor DeWine signed HB 458 into law in January 2023, which brings about significant changes to Ohio’s election process. Unfortunately, Ohio voters have lost some essential voting freedoms as a result.

Previously, Ohioans had the freedom to vote using alternative forms of identification, such as a utility bill, government document, or paycheck. However, with the new law in effect, voters now have only two options: vote in person with photo ID required or vote by mail without photo ID required.

Learn more here.

What does Ohio’s new voting law do?
The new anti-voter law:

  • Forces in-person voters to use an unexpired photo ID to vote, during the early voting period, or on Election Day. There are only four acceptable photo IDs. They are an Ohio driver’s license, an Ohio-issued state identification card, a U.S. or state military ID, or passport.
  • Limits drop boxes to one location per county that are open 24/7 during early voting. 
  • Shortens the absentee ballot request window; ballots now must be requested a full week before Election Day (by 5pm 7 days before Election Day) as opposed to the previous Saturday by noon.
  • Adds non-citizen designation on driver’s license and state ID cards.
  • Eliminates the last day of early voting, the Monday before Election Day.
  • Mandates that absentee ballots must be received by County Board of Elections four days after Election Day, as opposed to ten days.
  • Changes curbside voting rules so that only those with a physical disability or those physically unable to enter a polling location are eligible for this option.
  • Shortens the window to cure provisional ballots from seven days to four days.

View our Voter Guide for more information on voting in the upcoming special election. Deadline to register to vote or update your registration is April 3.