ACTION ALERT: Protect the Academic Freedoms of Muslims at Public Universities

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We need your urgent action to stop SB83 & HB151 to protect students & stop the censorship of diversity in state higher education institutions. The so-called “Ohio Education Enhancement Act” enables censorship and threatens the rights of faculty, staff, and students. It targets diversity, equity, and inclusion on public college campuses by prohibiting institutions from conducting any DEI training, holding any public opinion on public policy controversies, boycotting, and providing majors or courses of study on a wide range of topics such as ethnic and controversial ideology that can include religious and society courses.

These bills directly impact religious liberty, employee rights and groups, and policies based on race among many other facets of social engagement and innovation in Ohio public schools. It also aims to ban partnerships with China which would mean a significant loss of funding for programs that connect Ohio to the world and make students global citizens.

If passed, this bill will defund and terminate minority groups, including Muslim student organizations, such as Muslim Students Association, Students for Justice in Palestine, and Somali Student Association, who hold an integral role in advocating for uplifting and educating communities. Make no mistake—SB83 & HB151 are in no form “enhancing” the experience of students & educators—it is in fact destroying academic freedom and will alter campus life at Ohio’s public colleges and universities.

SB83 & HB151 are bad for students, higher education, and Ohio’s future.

Send a letter to your legislators urging them to oppose these bills. Take action here.