Protect the Rights of Muslims to Update Ohio’s Constitution: VOTE NO on August 8

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The August 8 Special Election is quickly approaching—make sure your vote is counted. CAIR-Ohio urges you to ensure your voter registration is active in order to vote in this key election. The deadline to register to vote for the special election is July 10

On August 8, only Issue 1 will be on your ballot—which aims to permanently end majority rule in Ohio. A NO VOTE defends majority rule and the sacred principle of ‘one person, one vote’. 

Politicians and special interests deliberately wrote Issue 1 to be confusing. If an issue needs 60% to pass, what that really means is that 40% of voters can veto the will of the majority on any issue. That means a small number of people can overrule the majority of citizens on any issue. 

If passed, this legislation would upend the constitutional amendment process and institute minority rule in Ohio, shred our Constitution, and take away our right to decide what happens in our communities. 

To receive updates on the August Special Election, visit:  

Unsure if you are registered or moved recently? Check your status here:  

View our Voter Guide for more information.