Stop HJR1: Protect the Power of the People in Ohio with Citizen-Led Ballot Initiatives

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We need your urgent action to protect citizen-led ballot initiatives in Ohio. The so-called “Ohio Constitution Protection Amendment” is back as HJR 1, and it threatens to undermine our democratic process by making it harder for citizens to pass initiatives that reflect our values. 

This amendment proposal would increase the passage threshold of new constitutional amendments to 60%, up from a simple majority (50% +1), making it more difficult for citizens to pass laws that benefit their communities. 


  • In 2015, it was through this citizen-led ballot initiative process that proposed to reform the heavily gerrymandered redistricting process in Ohio. The proposal aimed to create a bipartisan commission to draw new state maps, and to require that the maps be accurate and fair in representing Ohio communities. 
  • Following this, in 2018, another ballot initiative was proposed and passed with strong support from Ohioans (nearly 75% in favor). The new law, known as Issue 1, created a bipartisan redistricting commission to draw new state and congressional maps.  

As Muslims, it is our responsibility to stand up for justice and ensure that everyone has the right to participate in our democracy. This is especially important given the challenges and discrimination that our community and other marginalized groups face. 

This amendment is a political power grab by corrupt politicians and special interests who want to take away our power to make decisions that affect our lives. If passed, a small number of voters could block initiatives that the majority of Ohio voters support. This could prevent initiatives such as those supporting fair district maps from being approved, effectively silencing our voices and denying us fair representation. It is important to note that fair maps are crucial to ensuring that every vote counts and that our communities are represented in government.  

Additionally, this would be disastrous for our communities, as initiatives such as those supporting affordable housing, healthcare access, police reform, and environmental protections could be blocked by a minority of voters. 

Let’s stand together to safeguard our right to vote and protect the initiatives that reflect our values and make our communities stronger. Send a letter to your legislators urging them to not support this resolution. Take action here.