Are you registered to vote?
Voter registration deadline for General Election (11/4/25):
October 6, 2025

1. In person on Election Day
- 6:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, November 4th, 2025
- Find your polling place
2. In person Early Voting
October 6th – November 3rd
- Find your Early Voting location
3. By mail (Absentee Voting)
- No excuse is required.
- Deadline to request absentee ballots to be mailed is October 28th.
- Must be postmarked by November 4th and received by your county board of elections no later than 4 days after the election. You can also drop off an absentee ballot in person at your county board of elections by 7:30 p.m. on November 4th.
- Find more information on Absentee voting under “More Ohio Voting Information” below.
There are several types of valid photo identification:
- Ohio driver’s license;
- State of Ohio ID card;
- Interim ID form issued by the Ohio BMV;
- A US passport;
- A US passport card;
- US military ID card;
- Ohio National Guard ID card; or
- US Department of Veterans Affairs ID card
All photo IDs must have the following:
- An expiration date that has not passed;
- A photograph of the voter;
- The voter’s name, which must substantially conform to the voter’s name as it appears in the Poll List or in the Poll Book
NOTICE: An unexpired Ohio Driver License, State ID Card, or Interim Documentation with your former address IS an ACCEPTABLE form of ID when your current address is in the pollbook.
Find more information about voter ID requirements here.
Ohio law prohibits acceptance of the following forms of ID:
- Driver’s license or photo identification card issued by a state other than Ohio;
- Social Security card;
- Birth certificate;
- Insurance card;
- Utility bill;
- Bank statement;
- Government check;
- Paycheck;
- Other government document; or
- Any registration acknowledgment notice from the county board of elections.
If you do not have above valid forms of ID on Election Day, you can request a provisional ballot but you must return to the board of elections no later than four days following Election Day to provide a qualifying form of identification.
On Election Day
- If polls close while you are in line, STAY IN LINE – you have the right to vote.
- If the machines are down, ask for a paper ballot.
- If a poll worker says you are not on the list, spell out your name. Ask if there is a supplementary list. Check your polling location. If they still cannot find you, REQUEST A PROVISIONAL BALLOT.
Register to vote or update your voter registration information
Have you moved or changed your name recently but haven’t updated your voter registration?
Difficulty reading or writing English?
You can bring any person of your choosing to assist you at the polls, so long as they are not your boss or an agent of your employer or union.
There are also national voter hotlines:
- 866-687-8683 (English)
- 888-839-8682 (Spanish)
- 888-274-8683 (Asian languages)
- 844-925-5287 (Arabic)
Voting or Election Day Problems
Contact CAIR-Ohio’s Legal Team at:
614-451-3232 or email us at if you encounter problems.
There are also national voter hotlines:
- 866-687-8683 (English)
- 888-839-8682 (Spanish)
- 888-274-8683 (Asian languages)
- 844-925-5287 (Arabic)