2024 Civil Rights Report: Fatal: The Resurgence of Anti-Muslim Hate
CAIR received 8,061 complaints nationwide in 2023, marking the highest number of complaints CAIR has ever recorded in its 30-year history. Nearly half of all complaints received in 2023 were reported in the final three months of the year.
Read more in the full report.

2023: Twenty Years Too Many: A Call to Unwind The FBI’s Secret Watchlist
For now over twenty years, the FBI has detained, surveilled, harassed, and destroyed the lives of innocent Muslims. The public record amply documents how these abuses, inflicted via always-expanding FBI powers, led not to a reduction in terrorism, but painful, farcical, and often dangerous abuses of Muslims.
The federal government’s multi-decade effort to recruit a vast network of informants inside the Muslim community, with all the lawlessness and acts of intimidation such an effort entails, has nothing to show for it. The same goes for the practice of patting down some Muslim babies and their diapers for explosives at airports, the policies that cause federal agents to handcuff Muslim mothers and fathers returning to this country, often at gunpoint, in front of their crying and terrified children, and all the interrogations of Muslims in their homes and while traveling about how often they pray and which mosque they go to.
Read more in the full report.

How to Protect Yourself From Doxxing
Doxxing incidents that target individuals who publicly voice their support for Palestine are becoming more frequent, particularly doctors and students.
Doxxing is the malicious act of publicly revealing previously private personal information about an individual or organization, usually through the Internet. It can lead to stalking, harrassment, and more. No one should endure such invasions of privacy.
View our guide to discover ways to safeguard yourself and steps to take if you are a victim of doxxing.
File an incident report at cair-ohio.com/report-an-incident or call our office at 614-451-3232.

FBI Interactions: Myth or Fact?
Debunking FBI Myths: Protecting Your Rights and Safety
Download this guide to uncover the facts about FBI interactions. Speaking to an FBI agent can be risky, even if they appear approachable. CAIR-Ohio is here to offer full support in the face of any intimidation attempts.
If you ever receive FBI or law enforcement communications, report them at cair-ohio.com or call us at 614-451-3232.

2023 Civil Rights Report
Titled “Progress in the Shadow of Prejudice,” the report documents a new trend in total complaints to CAIR offices nationwide involving a range of discrimination cases. CAIR’s new civil rights report examines this new trend and details the various lived experiences of Islamophobia in the United States last year. The report will offer multiple recommendations for public officials to take in light of new data findings.
Parents, school staff and/or administrators can request free copies of this guide by emailing info@cair-ohio.com

Educator's Guide to Islamic Religious Practices
An excellent introduction to Muslim religious practices for educators and school administrators, this guide is a tool to promote diversity and accommodate Muslims students in educational institutions.
Parents, school staff and/or administrators can request free copies of this guide by emailing info@cair-ohio.com
Individuals can also sponsor an Educator’s Guide School District Package, which will include a bulk number of guides mailed directly to a local school district. Our goal is to mail at least 10,000 copies of this guide to schools throughout Ohio.

Islamophobia in the Mainstream
What would you do with $105,865,763? That’s how much money was poured into 26 Islamophobia Network groups between 2017-2019 to spread misinformation and conspiracy theories about Muslims and Islam. Unfortunately, Islamophobia is still an acceptable form of bigotry in America.
This report builds off our previous work and exposes the funding behind U.S. Islamophobia Network groups between 2017-2019 by charitable institutions and foundations. Over the past few years, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has produced multiple reports documenting and exposing the funding stream behind the Islamophobia Network and its activities. Hijacked by Hate, our most recent report found 1,096 organizations responsible for funding 39 groups in the Islamophobia Network between 2014 and 2016. Moreover, the report also revealed the total revenue capacity of the Islamophobia Network during this period to reach at least $1.5 billion.

What to Do if You Are the Target of Hate
The crisis and escalation in Gaza and the West Bank have triggered a significant surge in anti-Muslim hate crimes, assaults, and discriminatory incidents. The safety of the Muslim and Arab-American community is further jeopardized by one-sided statements from elected officials and misinformation spread by media outlets.
Download this guide to learn important information on what to do if you are the target of a hate crime.
File an incident report at cair-ohio.com/report-an-incident or call our office at 614-451-3232.

Anti-Prejudice Tools: Guidance for Students Targeted in Response to Palestine Rights Advocacy
CAIR-Ohio has seen and received multiple reports of students harassed online and at school due to advocacy for Palestinian human rights in recent days, including reports of bullying against visibly Muslim students and disciplinary action in public school settings, and instances of threatening messages targeting college students online.

How You Can Help Palestine Right Now
CAIR-Ohio stands with the people of Palestine today, and every day, as they continue to fight for their rights and freedom. Discover how you can support them today.

Employer's Guide to Islamic Religious Practices
The Ohio and U.S. Constitutions protect religious accommodation in the workplace. This is a guide for employers that explains some basic Islamic religious practices including dress guidelines, holidays, prayer timing, and fasting, along with some suggested accommodations for employees.
Employers can request free hard copies of this guide by emailing info@cair-ohio.com

The Healthcare Provider's Guide
The information in this guide is intended to educate health care professionals about common Muslim beliefs and practices that may assist them in the delivery of culturally competent patient care.
Health care providers should first and foremost consult and communicate with patients and families about their respective preferences or religious practices prior to and during the delivery of any medical service.

Employer's Guide to Ramadan
A brief guide for employers that explains the religious obligations that accompany the Islamic holy month of Ramadan along with suggestions for accommodations for employees during Ramadan and other Islamic holidays.
To request a hard copy of this guide please email info@cair-ohio.com

Hijacked by Hate: American Philanthropy and the Islamophobia Network
Anti-Muslim bigotry is a common and widespread feature of our country’s mainstream cultural and political landscape. However, it is important to remember that Islamophobic attitudes and policies are propagated by special interest groups with deep sources of funding.
This decentralized group of actors is known as the Islamophobia Network, a close-knit family of organizations and individuals that share an ideology of extreme anti-Muslim animus, and work with one another to negatively influence public opinion and government policy about Muslims and Islam. To provide a better understanding of how the Islamophobia Network operates, this report maps the flow of funding from charitable organizations to anti-Muslim special interest groups, and their negative impact on public life.
The report finds that the Islamophobia Network has been drawing upon mainstream American philanthropic institutions for financial and political support for years.